Butts for Mutts | A Charity Boudoir Event Benefitting the Animal Humane Society

I’m writing this post in December, 2020. As we are finishing up a year that none of us expected and all of us struggled with, I wanted to take a moment to look back at an absolute highlight from the year, which took place in January, before the Covid19 pandemic rained on everyone’s parade!

I wanted to do an open house like I’d done before but wanted also to do something that would serve a cause that I believe in. Soooo! This year, everyone made a pay-what-you-can donation to reserve their spot, and proceeds went to the Animal Humane Society. We raised $600 on the nose and it felt amazing! The studio was packed to the gils with 30 attendees (something which is seeming very strange in our now very socially shut-down world!). The energy was high as each woman whipped through a quick series of poses (probably no more than a minute each), and everyone was SO supportive of one another! I so look forward to a time in our future where we can do something like this again!

Brittany DuMonceaux