welcome! i’m britt.
i don’t like to waste time, so let’s get to it. here’s what i think — it isn’t right that the world around us has us thinking that our physical appearance and our value as women are all tangled up together. if i could take that whole construct away, i’d do it.
certainly the end goal is for none of us to care a bit about what we look like, but only about how sparkly and kind our insides are.
but the way i see it, we can wait for our culture around us to change — to value us for our brains, our wit, our incredible hearts, and our strength and care nothing for what the eye sees.
OR — we can grow in the way we think of ourselves and feel valuable NOW.
that’s right babes, we’re makin’ lemonade.
because the world changes way too freakin’ slow.
right or wrong — because we’ve been trained to associate these things together — when we see the beauty in ourselves, we also see all kinds of stuff that we’ve been taught go along with beauty. we see courage and confidence and power. we start to feel that we could go out and get whatever we want. and when we feel that way, weird things happen — we value what we’ve already got — our lives, our bodies, our families and jobs — because we know we’ve chosen those things over everything else we could go out and get. imagine feeling grateful for the life you’ve made for yourself and powerful enough to change whatever you wanted.
maybe you’re already there — you know you’re a badass, gorgeous, unicorn of a human and you want to celebrate it.
intimate portraits are a way to spoil yourself. a way to hold onto this feeling.
maybe, like a lot of us, you’re on the path to that. and maybe you could use a little something to tear down the differences you perceive between yourself and that ‘ideal’ that’s floating around out there on instagram and in magazines and on billboards and on runways. and that’s what i think intimate portraits are — they give you that “celebrity” experience of professional makeup and styling, great lighting, posing expertise and a beautiful space. and suddenly those images everywhere that made you feel small before are just regular people who had a great team of artists to capture them. and you know that you are every bit as worthy and badass as they are.
i want to use imagery to make you love yourself more fiercely.
i want to capture you as you really are, and tell the story of how sexy, and strong that is.
i want you to have something that can help you NEVER FORGET that beautiful, brainy, big-hearted, amazing person you are. that’s why i am so passionate about this work, because i can’t think of anything more important than that.